Tuesday 3 November 2015

Audience Research: Reader Profiles

Q Magazine - Reader Profile

This reader profile provides potential advertisers with information on the magazine's ideal reader. There is detail about the ideal reader's age, occupation, interests, and even how he spends his money. E.g. "[Music is] his identity, his social currency and his world." Q's magazine is targeted towards people who are truly passionate for music but also open-minded to other areas ("He is 'discovering quality' in all areas"). This lets potential advertisers know whether their product is worth selling to the magazine's target audience.

At the bottom of the page are some statistics which provide data on the people who actually read Q. The "ABC1 profile" illustrates the socio-economic demographic that Q attract. The "median age" shows that their audience are most likely employed and earning their own money. It also reflects the age of which their genre appeals to.

Overall, the profile suggests that people who read Q are the ones who can afford to buy the magazine.

MOJO Magazine - Reader Profile

This reader profile for MOJO only gives detail about the magazine's ideal reader. It mirrors some of the characteristics found in the Q reader profile - such as the fact that they want their target audience to be people who can afford to buy their magazine ("A professional with high disposable income"). There is very descriptive insight to John's lifestyle and how he incorporates music into it - this demonstrates how MOJO is aimed towards an audience who are truly passionate about music.

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