Monday, 14 September 2015

Planning - A montage of me.

This is a small montage that I created on Photoshop of everything which I think represents me. 

No specific genre. Perhaps coming-of-age?

The background is a light baby blue that gradients from the bottom left hand corner to the top right. My name in the middle is also blue, my favourite colour.

The photos surrounding my name indicate all these photos are things that mean something to me. For example, there is a picture of my friends and I at prom. My friends are extremely important to me and the photo highlights how close we all are. There are also photos from my adventures whilst travelling, an incredibly important aspect of my life. There are pictures from my holidays in Hong Kong and Crete. Finally there is a photo from a concert I recently went to as music is an inexplicably important part of my life and concerts are events I thoroughly enjoy.


This image represents me as somebody who is adventurous, interested in photography and enjoys the company of others rather than spending time in solitude. The photos are all very colourful which perceives me to have a bright and uplifting character.


1 comment:

  1. an interesting choice of images. Good attempt at applying GLARN, you do have a narrative here as you are representing a story about yourself.
